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Qw/ST to Breakout Garden Adapter

by Pimoroni

This adapter lets you connect a Breakout Garden breakout to a device with a STEMMA QT/Qwiic port, for ultimate compatibility and ease of prototyping.

If you'd like to use one of our Breakout Garden breakouts with an Adafruit or Sparkfun HAT, microcontroller or dev board, then you're in luck! This adapter can be used to add a Breakout Garden slot to the end of a STEMMA QT/Qwiic cable, letting you plug in any of our I2C Breakout Garden breakouts.

Qwiic /STEMMA QT cables are sold separately, you can pick one up here.

Please note that this adaptor will make devices from other manufacturers electrically compatible with Breakout Garden but you will still need a software library compatible with your chosen OS and the breakout in question.

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